maclura tinctoria 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

Fresh cut fustic tree tree farms Biolcom Ecuador producing extracts and dyes. Save. Save. More like this. Fustic | Natural Dye Metal Prints, Fine Art Prints ... ... <看更多>
#1. Maclura tinctoria - Wikipedia
Maclura tinctoria, known as old fustic and dyer's mulberry, is a medium to large tree of the Neotropics, from Mexico to Argentina. It produces a yellow dye ...
#2. Maclura tinctoria 照顧,種植,繁殖,開花時間 - PictureThis
Maclura tinctoria 的果實具有驅蟲的效果,但是果實變乾變黑之後就會失去驅蟲的功能。它們的植株長有尖銳的刺,因此在舊時代時會被種植作為樹籬,或是阻隔牲畜的圍欄, ...
#3. Maclura tinctoria (L.) D.Don ex Steud. (世界植物區系) - Pl@ntNet
Maclura tinctoria (L.) D.Don ex Steud.. 科Moraceae. 屬Maclura. 世界植物區系.
#4. Maclura tinctoria - Useful Tropical Plants
Maclura tinctoria · (L.) D.Don ex Steud. · Moraceae · Common Name: Fustic Tree.
#5. Maclura tinctoria (L.) D. Don ex Steud. - 生命大百科
Maclura tinctoria 是科桑科中Archaeplastida的一個物種。 網路生命大百科有25 個屬性的資料,包含:. carbon biomass. URI:http://purl.dataone.org/odo/ ...
#6. Maclura tinctoria (L.) D.Don ex Steud. - GBIF
Maderable para postes de corral y de alambrados. Fruto consumido por el tití cabeciblanco (S. oedipus). 來源: Lista comentada de las plantas vasculares de ...
#7. Maclura tinctoria - Wikimedia Commons
Maclura tinctoria · English : fustictree, dyer's mulberry, dyer's mulberry tree, Venetian sumac, old fustic, Fustic Tree · Deutsch : ...
#8. Maclura tinctoria - DICT.TW Dictionary Taiwan
Maclura tinctoria 的中文翻譯。英漢字典、漢英字典、和英辭書、英英字典、英漢醫學字典、注音查詢、中文輸入法字典。 Chinese-English / English-Chinese ...
#9. Maclura tinctoria Fustic Tree PFAF Plant Database
Fustic Tree or Maclura tinctoria is a yellow dye producing tree that can be found in South America. The yellow dye, known as fustic, is used for coloring ...
#10. STRI Research Portal - Maclura tinctoria
Description: A large tree with a straight cylindrical trunk. Large individuals have conspicuous swellings at the base extending into roots that run along ...
#11. Maclura Tinctoria: The Most Up-to-Date Encyclopedia, ...
Maclura tinctoria is a tree species native from Brazil and rich in phenolic compounds..... Prenylated flavonoid-enriched fraction from Maclura tinctoria shows ...
#12. Photos of Fustic (Maclura tinctoria) - iNaturalist
Photos of Fustic Maclura tinctoria. Filter by Place. Grouping: None. None; Taxonomic. Order by: Faves. Faves; Date Added. Photo Licensing: Any.
#13. Maclura tinctoria – Dyer's Mulberry, Fustic Tree
Its beautiful, durable and insect resistant, yellow to reddish brown wood is sought after for construction, furniture and many other uses. An extract was used ...
#14. Flavonoids from Maclura tinctoria - PubMed
Seven flavonoids, including two new natural products, were isolated from an ethanol extract of the bark of Maclura tinctoria (L.) Gaud.
#15. Maclura tinctoria (L.) D.Don ex G.Don
Maclura tinctoria (L.) D.Don ex G.Don ... The native range of this species is Mexico to Tropical America. It is a tree and grows primarily in the seasonally dry ...
#16. Flavonoids from Maclura tinctoria - ScienceDirect.com
An ethanolic extract of the bark of Maclura tinctoria was chromatographed on silica gel using MeOH/CHCl3 mixtures. ... The chemical structures of compounds 1–5 ...
#17. Maclura tinctoria - HVAA
Maclura tinctoria D. Don ex Steud. Family: Moraceae. [Chlorophora mora (Griseb.) ...
#18. Maclura tinctoria - The Craft Atlas
Maclura tinctoria, commonly known as old fustic or dyer's mulberry, is a medium to large tree of the Neotropics, from Mexico to Argentina.
#19. Maclura tinctoria - | TRAMIL
Scientific name: Maclura tinctoria (L.) D. DON. Synonym: Chlorophora tinctoria (L.) Gaudich. ex Benth. Botanical family: MORACEAE. Picture library (5)
#20. Maclura tinctoria (L.) D.Don ex Steud., 1841 - Mûrier-pays ...
Introduction to Maclura tinctoria (Mûrier-pays): scientific and common names, protected status (red lists, regulations), biological status in France, ...
#21. Maclura tinctoria (Linn.) G Don [family MORACEAE] on JSTOR
Maclura tinctoria (Linn.) G Don [family MORACEAE]. Herbarium. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (K). Collection. Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa.
#22. HIV-Inhibitory Prenylated Xanthones and Flavones from ...
The organic extract of the plant Maclura tinctoria exhibited moderate anti-HIV activity. Seven prenylated phenolic derivatives were isolated ...
#23. Morphology and anatomy of the developing fruit of Maclura ...
Article: Morphology and anatomy of the developing fruit of Maclura tinctoria, Moraceae. FAQ. Details; MODS; BibTeX; RIS. Title. Morphology and anatomy of ...
#24. Morphology and anatomy of the developing fruit of Maclura ...
Maclura tinctoria (L.) D. Don ex Steudel was selected for the present study due of its economic and medicinal importance. The purpose of this investigation is ...
#25. Nicaragua | Revista Científica de la FAREM-Estelí
Evaluation of the development and growth of Enterolobium cyclocarpum, Maclura tinctoria under controlled conditions, Estelí -Nicaragua ...
#26. Micropropagation of Maclura tinctoria L.: an endangered ...
The Maclura tinctoria has been considered an endangered species due to the indiscriminate use of its wood and low rate of seed germination.
#27. Fustic (Maclura tinctoria) - iNaturalist Canada
Maclura tinctoria, commonly known as old fustic or dyer's mulberry is a medium to large tree of the Neotropics, from Mexico to Argentina.
#28. Maclura tinctoria - SEINet Portal Network
Maclura tinctoria D.Don ex Steud. (redirected from: Morus tinctoria Blanco). Family: Moraceae. Fustictree. [Morus tictoria L., moreMorus tinctoria Blanco].
#29. CaymANNature - Fustic tree (Maclura tinctoria) - Facebook
Fustic tree (Maclura tinctoria) – the Culturally Significant Khaki dye tree. It is DIOECIOUS - male and female flowers grow on separate trees. Fruits
#30. Maclura tinctoria|iPlant 植物智——植物物种信息系统
... 被子植物门Angiospermae >> 桑科Moraceae >> 橙桑属Maclura · PPBCCVHColTPLIPNIDuocetCFHCUBGGBIFiDigBioEOLBHLWFOPOWOBingBaidu生物志库. Maclura tinctoria.
#31. 桑橙属植物Maclura tinctoria中具抗氧化活性的查耳酮苷和黄酮 ...
桑橙属植物Maclura (Chlorophora)tinctoria L.(Gaud)广泛生长在中、南美洲潮湿或干旱的热带森林中,从该植物不同部位已分得多种活性成分。作者从该植物茎皮中分得4个查 ...
#32. Maclura tinctoria - Osa Arboretum
Maclura tinctoria. Mora, Palo de mora. Audio. English Audio. Audio en Español. Plant Story. The Mra tree reaches 20 meters in height and up to 1 meter in ...
#33. Maclura tinctoria Extracts: In Vitro Antibacterial Activity ...
Maclura tinctoria is a tree species native from Brazil and rich in phenolic compounds. Since plant antibacterial activity is highly ...
#34. Prenylated flavonoids from maclura tinctoria fruits|INIS
A phytochemical investigation of Maclura tinctoria fruits yielded five flavonoids, including one prenylated flavonol (licoflavonol) and four prenylated ...
#35. Maclura tinctoria - Wikidata
dyer's mulberry; old fustic; fustictree; dyer's mulberry tree; Chlorophora tinctoria; Venetian sumac. In more languages. Spanish. Maclura tinctoria.
#36. Maclura tinctoria - Bananas Raras
#37. Maclura tinctoria (CRPTI)[Overview] - EPPO Global Database
EPPO Code: CRPTI; Preferred name: Maclura tinctoria; Authority: Steudel. Notes. Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, South America. Cultivated as a dye plant ...
#38. Maclura tinctoria - Shade Catalog
Coffee Impact. Unknown · Prevalence. Not Common in Coffee Agroforestry · Tree Management. The seeds are dispersed by animals. Partially ripe wood cuttings can ...
#39. Maclura tinctoria var. polyneura (Miq. ex Mart.) Bureau
This name is a synonym of Maclura tinctoria (L.) D.Don ex Steud. by Moraceae. The record derives from Tropicos which reports it as a synonym of Maclura ...
#40. maclura tinctoria
Maclura tinctoria (L.) D. Don ex Steud. (=Chlorophora tinctoria (L.) Gaudich. ex Benth.); mora, fustic. Tree with milky sap and long spines, dioecious; ...
#41. Name - !Maclura tinctoria (L.) D. Don ex G. Don - Tropicos
Maclura tinctoria (L.) D. Don ex G. Don Search in The Plant List · Search in IPNI · Search in Australian Plant Name Index · Search in NYBG Virtual Herbarium ...
#42. Prenylated flavonoids from maclura tinctoria fruits - SciELO
A phytochemical investigation of Maclura tinctoria fruits yielded five flavonoids, including one prenylated flavonol (licoflavonol) and four prenylated ...
#43. Maclura tinctoria - Dutch Caribbean Species Register
Publications. Berg, C.C. 1980. Moraceae. Flora of the Netherlands Antilles 2: 111-120. Debrot, A.O., Freitas, J.A. de 1999. Avifaunal and botanical survey ...
#44. Osage Orange - Maclura Tinctoria | Exotic hardwoods | Products
Osage Orange - Maclura Tinctoria ~ 35-38,1mm x 35-38,1mm x 450-457mm Length (1.5" x 1.5" x 18" Length) ... Ready for shipment immediately. ... Amazon Pay not ...
#45. Bioaerogéis de nanocelulose e alginato enxertados com ...
Bioaerogéis de nanocelulose e alginato enxertados com extrato de Maclura tinctoria. The meaningful changes in the consumption pattern of modern society, ...
#46. Germinação de sementes de Maclura tinctoria (Moraceae ...
This study aimed to characterize germination of Maclura tinctoria seeds under different thermal regimes and alterations due presence or ...
#47. Maclura tinctoria (Moraceae) image 41665 at ...
/imgs/robbin/r/Moraceae_Maclura_tinctoria_41665.html. Moraceae : Maclura tinctoria det. Robbin Moran 2012 ...
#48. Dyeing With Old Fustic Extract (Maclura Tinctoria)
Shepherd Textiles Old Fustic Extract is made from a tropical mulberry tree called maclura tinctoria. The tree's heartwood contains a powerful orange-yellow ...
#49. Maclura tinctoria / Fustic - The Virtual Herbarium
Notes; A yellow dye is extracted from the bark to make the khaki color. Related Topics. Young plant. Maclura tinctoria / Fustic.
#50. Maclura tinctoria - Mindat
Name Source Taxon Rank Morus brasiliensis Pohl GBIF species Maclura xanthoxylon Endl. GBIF species Chlorophora tinctoria xanthoxylon Hassl. GBIF variety
#51. Maclura tinctoria (L.) D.Don ex Steud. - The Plant List
Name Status Source Date supplied Broussonetia plumeri Spreng. Synonym WCSP (in review) 2012‑03‑23 Broussonetia tinctoria (L.) Dum.Cours. Synonym WCSP (in review) 2012‑03‑23 Broussonetia tinctoria (L.) Kunth Synonym TRO 2012‑04‑18
#52. Maclura tinctoria (L.) D.Don ex Steud. subsp. tinctoria
Maclura tinctoria (L.) D.Don ex Steud. subsp. tinctoria. Authority. Berg, Cornelius C. 2001 ...
#53. Maclura tinctoria subsp. tinctoria Steud. - Zenodo
Maclura tinctoria subsp. tinctoria Steud. Jarvis, Charlie. Morus zanthoxylon Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, ed. 10, 2: 1266. 1759.
#54. Maclura Tinctoria - Etsy
Check out our maclura tinctoria selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our essential oils shops.
#55. Maclura tinctoria subsp. tinctoria (L.) D. Don ex Steud.
Maclura tinctoria subsp. tinctoria (L.) D. Don ex Steud. MoreLess Info. Share Resource. Copy Link. Add this resource to your site.
#56. Polymeric compounds materials with polyethylene ( LDPE ...
maclura tinctoria, mora tree fibers, polymeric composite materials, LDPE, characterization. Abstract. Costa Rica has extensive areas of tropical ...
#57. Maclura tinctoria (L.) D.Don ex G.Don | Moraceae - MyBIS
Maclura. Specific Epithet. tinctoria (L.) D.Don ex G.Don. Synonym. Morus tinctoria L. The taxonomic status is pending for approval ...
#58. Fustic Chips, Chlorophora tinctoria, or Maclura tinctoria ...
Fustic Chips, Chlorophora tinctoria, or Maclura tinctoria, Natural DyeThis natural dye is from the heartwood of a tropical tree native to the Americas, ...
#59. Maclura tinctoria - Plants of Saint Lucia
Moraceae family. Maclura tinctoria (Linnaeus) D. Don ex Steudel, Nomencl. Bot. (ed. 2) 2(1-2): 87. 1841. Bas.: Morus tinctoria Linnaeus (1753).
#60. 来自Maclura tinctoria的富含异戊二烯的类黄酮馏分显示出对金 ...
方法采用体外标准方法评估了来自大西洋大西洋天然树种的提取物对金黄色葡萄球菌的抗菌活性。来自Maclura tinctoria的提取物的植物化学分馏通过液-液分配进行。LC-DAD-ESI- ...
#61. Pin on Fustic, Maclura tinctoria, Chlorophora tinctoria - Pinterest
Fresh cut fustic tree tree farms Biolcom Ecuador producing extracts and dyes. Save. Save. More like this. Fustic | Natural Dye Metal Prints, Fine Art Prints ...
#62. Osage Orange - Perfect for Pool Cues - Atlas Billiard Supplies
Osage Orange, also known as Maclura Tinctoria is a rare and exotic hardwood that has a unique beauty that will set your pool cue apart from the rest.
#63. Argentine Osage Orange | The Wood Database (Hardwood)
Scientific Name: Maclura tinctoria (syn. Chlorophora tinctoria, Morus tinctoria). Distribution: Tropical America (West Indies, Central and South America).
#64. Arten - Zobodat
Maclura tinctoria (L.) G. Don. Costa Rica, Puntarenas/Golfito, P.N. Esquinas, Forest behind the Golfo Dulce Lodge (research-plot on the coast) - 14.8.2000.
#65. Chemical Analysis and Study of Phenolics, Antioxidant Activity ...
Maclura tinctoria (L.) D. Don ex Steud. has one of the highest qualities among the coefficients for Brazilian woods (up to 9.6) and resistance rates ...
#66. Maclura tinctoria
Maclura tinctoria (L.) D. Don ex Steud. Rank: species. Accepted. Name authority: PlutoF Taxonomy. Search. Overview; Conservation instructions; Gallery; Names ...
#67. Prenylated flavonoid-enriched fraction from Maclura tinctoria ...
Antibacterial activity was registered for three species for the first time. An organic extract from Maclura tinctoria leaves showed the lowest ...
#68. Effect of microencapsulated phenolic compound extracts of ...
Effect of microencapsulated phenolic compound extracts of Maclura tinctoria (L.) Steud on growth performance and humoral immunity markers of white leg shrimp ( ...
#69. Maclura tinctoria {species} - BOLD Systems: Taxonomy Browser
Maclura tinctoria {species} - Magnoliophyta; Magnoliopsida; Rosales; Moraceae; Maclura;. Print. Search Taxonomy. Sub-taxa. Subspecies (2).
#70. Maclura tinctoria | Live Plant Photos | The Field Museum
Maclura tinctoria (L.) D. Don ex Steud. Moraceae. Photo by: Leonardo Álvarez-Alcázar, Non-FMNH - (c) Leonardo Álvarez-Alcázar : Instituto Tecnológico de ...
#71. Cytochemical localization of pectinases and cellulases in ...
Reproductive meristems of Maclura tinctoria (L.) D.Don ex Steud. and Ficus montana Burm.f. were collected, fixed in Karnovsky's solution and ...
#72. Commercial timbers - Maclura tinctoria (L.) D ... - Delta intkey
Description of Maclura tinctoria (L.) D. Don ex Steud. (Fustic, moral), generated from a DELTA database.
#73. Plant regeneration from callus cultures of Maclura tinctoria, an ...
Maclura tinctoria has been considered an endangered species due to extensive use of its wood and low frequency of seed germination.
#74. Commercial timbers - Maclura tinctoria (L.) D. Don ex Steud ...
Description of Maclura tinctoria (L.) D. Don ex Steud. (Fustic, moral), generated from a DELTA database.
#75. Effect of microencapsulated phenolic compound extracts of ...
Effect of microencapsulated phenolic compound extracts of maclura tinctoria (L.) steud on growth performance and humoral immunity markers of white leg shrimp ( ...
#76. Leaf_old fustic - Angiosperms (Flowering Plants) • Earth.com
Description. Το Maclura tinctoria, κοινώς γνωστό ως παλιό φούστιο ή βατόμουρο, είναι ένα μεσαίο έως μεγάλο δέντρο των Νεοτροπικών, από το Μεξικό στην ...
#77. Argentine Osage Orange (Maclura tinctoria) 1-9/16" - eBay
This species, Maclura tinctoria, has a Janka hardness of around 2400. Ends are wax sealed.
#78. In vitro Antibacterial Activity of Maclura tinctoria and ...
Abstract. Introduction: Azadirachta indica and Maclura tinctoria are two plants that have been reported with some ability to inhibit the ...
#79. Moral (Chlorophora tinctoria) | ITTO - Tropical timber species
Bureau; Maclura tinctoria var. chlorocarpa (Liebm.) Bureau; Maclura affinis Miq. Description Of The Tree. Botanical Description. It is ...
#80. Fustic tree (Maclura tinctoria) - Species Connect
(Maclura tinctoria). Plantae / Tracheophyta / Magnoliopsida / Rosales / Moraceae / Maclura. Mutualism Pollination. European honey bee (Apis mellifera).
#81. Maclura tinctoria - PlantUse Français
Maclura tinctoria · bois d'œuvre · bois de cœur tinctorial (fustic, fustet) : jaune ou kaki · fruit comestible · latex : calfatage · écorce : tannage.
#82. Muda de Amora-brava - Maclura tinctoria - Flora Londrina
Muda de Amora-brava - Maclura tinctoria ... A amora-brava é uma espécie de amora nativa, com madeira forte e resistente a organismos xilófagos. Seus frutos são ...
#83. Maclura tinctoria (L.) D.Don ex Steud. - Flora e Funga do Brasil
Vegetação campestre que ocorre em áreas montanhosas, basicamente acima de 900 m de altitude, ocupando principalmente trechos de solos litólicos associados a ...
#84. Flavonoids from Maclura tinctoria. - Abstract - Europe PMC
Seven flavonoids, including two new natural products, were isolated from an ethanol extract of the bark of Maclura tinctoria (L.) Gaud.
#85. Taiúva: Maclura tinctoria. - Portal Embrapa
Taiúva: Maclura tinctoria. ... NOMES VULGARES NO EXTERIOR: brasil, na Colômbia; ineira caspi, no Peru; mora amarilla, na Argentina e na Venezuela; mora grande, na ...
#86. Species Home Page de Maclura tinctoria
Species Home Page: Maclura tinctoria. Species Page de Maclura tinctoria, 2 octubre 1998.
#87. chlorophora tinctoria fruit - The Good Scents Company
broussonetia plumerii fruit. broussonetia tinctoria fruit. broussonetia zanthoxylon fruit. fruit of chlorophora tinctoria (l.), moraceae. maclura polyneura ...
#88. Maclura tinctoria subsp tinctoria L D Don ex Steud ... - Alamy
This image could have imperfections as it's either historical or reportage. Similar stock images. Maclura tinctoria subsp tinctoria L D Don ...
#89. yeast community of sap fluxes of Costa Rican Maclura ...
Abstract. We report on the yeast community associated with sap fluxes of Maclura tinctoria, family Moraceae, in the dry forest of the Area de Conservación ...
#90. 查看更多信息- Maclura tinctoria - KnowYourWeeds
Links from international sources for the weed Maclura tinctoria. ... Maclura tinctoria. 又名 Chlorophora tinctoria. Moraceae. 落葉植物树. 原产美洲.
#91. 2013 BONAP North American Plant Atlas. TaxonMaps
Citation Information · Map Color Key. Maclura. Maclura pomifera. Maclura tinctoria. Maclura tricuspidata. Last updated 12/15/2014.
#92. Maclura tinctoria - Mora - EncicloVida
Mora. Maclura tinctoria. Español: Mora, Mora amarilla, Mora de clavo, Mora lisa, Moradilla, Moral, Moral amarillo, Moral de clavo ...
#93. Sementes de Taiuva - Maclura tinctoria - Click Mudas
Nome Popular : Taiuva, tajuva, tatajuva, tatajuba, tauba, amora-branca, amoreira, pau-de-fogo. Nome Científico : Maclura tinctoria. Família : Moraceae.
#94. Antifungal Chalcones from Maclura tinctoria - Thieme Connect
Maclura tinctoria (L.) Gaud. The new compound has been char- acterized as 2¢,4¢,4,2¢¢-tetrahydroxy-3¢-[3¢¢-methylbut-3¢¢-enyl]- chalcone (1).
#95. <i>Maclura tinctoria</i> Extracts: In Vitro Antibacterial Activity ...
Maclura tinctoria is a tree species native from Brazil and rich in phenolic compounds. Since plant antibacterial activity is highly associated with phenolic ...
#96. Elsevier's Dictionary of Trees: Volume 1: North America
Maclura affinis Miq. Maclura chlorocarpa Liebm. Maclura macrocarpa Liebm. Maclura polyneura Miq. Maclura tinctoria var. affinis (Miq.) ...
#97. maclura tinctoria (Linn) GDon & Steud_植物图片库
Name:maclura tinctoria (Linn) GDon & Steud 科:桑科. Family:moraceae 属:橙桑属 introduce:English name: Dutch name: Name in local language: dushi kabei
maclura tinctoria 在 CaymANNature - Fustic tree (Maclura tinctoria) - Facebook 的推薦與評價
Fustic tree (Maclura tinctoria) – the Culturally Significant Khaki dye tree. It is DIOECIOUS - male and female flowers grow on separate trees. Fruits ... <看更多>